The return of T/TCP

Thu, 03/10/2011 - 15:41 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:

In the early 1990s, the T/TCP extension to TCP was proposed to allow hosts to exchange data without being forced to wait until the end of the three way handshake. Specifications ( RFC1379 and RFC1644) and implementations were written, but this TCP extension has never been largely used. Reducing the time required to exchange short amounts of data is still a concern in several environments and a recent draft posted by google employees proposes the TCP Fast Open extension that also allows hosts to exchange data during the three handshake. However, the difference compared to previous TCP extensions is that to be allowed to add data inside the SYN segment, the client must add to the segment a TCP cookie that it received from the server during a previous TCP connection. A few months ago, google proposed to increase the initial TCP congestion window for a similar purpose. Despite the continuous increase in bandwidth, latency still matters and will continue to in the future...