TCPLS: Modern Transport Services with TCP and TLS

Fri, 10/29/2021 - 12:40 by Maxime Piraux


TCP and TLS are among the essential protocols in today’s Internet.
TCP ensures reliable data delivery while TLS secures the data transfer.
Although they are very often used together, they have been
designed independently following the Internet layered model. This
paper demonstrates the various benefits that a closer integration
between TCP and TLS would bring.
By leveraging the extensible TLS 1.3 records, we combine TCP
and TLS into TCPLS to build modern transport services such as multiplexing,
connection migration, stream steering, and bandwidth
aggregation. These services do not modify the TCP wire format and
are resistant to middleboxes. TCPLS offers a powerful API enabling
applications to precisely express the required transport services,
ranging from a single-path single-stream connection to a multistream
connection over several network paths, enabling choices
between aggregated bandwidth and Head-of-Line blocking avoidance.
Compared to MPTCP, our TCPLS prototype offers more control
to the application and can be easily deployed as an extension to
user-space TLS libraries, while being implemented at a low cost.
Measurements demonstrate that it offers higher performance than
existing QUIC libraries with a super set of transport services.

Florentin Rochet, Emery Assogba, Maxime Piraux, Korian Edeline, Benoit Donnet and Olivier Bonaventure
The 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT ’21), December 2021.
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