Dr. Steve Uhlig

steve (at) net.t-labs.tu-berlin.de
Former member
Current affiliation

QMU, London



O. Bonaventure, S. Uhlig and B. Quoitin. The case for more versatile BGP Route Reflectors. July 2004. Work in progress, draft-bonaventure-bgp-route-reflectors-00.txt. bibTeX  pdf 


B. Quoitin, S. Uhlig, C. Pelsser, L. Swinnen and O. Bonaventure. Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP. IEEE Communications Magazine Internet Technology Series, 41(5):122-128, May 2003. bibTeX  pdf 

S. Uhlig, O. Bonaventure and B. Quoitin. Interdomain traffic engineering with minimal BGP configurations. 18th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), September 2003. bibTeX  pdf 


S. Uhlig and O. Bonaventure. Implications of interdomain traffic characteristics on traffic engineering. European Transactions on TelecommunicationsEuropean Transactions on Telecommunications, special issue on traffic engineering, 13:23-32, January 2002. bibTeX  pdf 

B. Quoitin, S. Uhlig and O. Bonaventure. Using redistribution communities for interdomain traffic engineering. Quality of Future Internet Services (QoFIS 2002), October 2002. bibTeX 


S. Uhlig and O. Bonaventure. On the cost of using MPLS for interdomain traffic. Quality of Future Internet Services (QoFIS 2000), September 2000. bibTeX  pdf