2007 Research results
Wed, 07/16/2008 - 13:20 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:
The recent research results of the IP Networking Lab are summarised at
Principles of Protocol Design
Wed, 07/16/2008 - 01:50 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:
This book written by Robin Sharp and published by Springer Verlag takes an unusual path to describe computer network protocols. While most standard networking texts mainly focus on a textual description of the different protocols and mechanisms, Robin Sharp starts from formal description techniques. More precisely, he chooses the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) notation proposed by Hoare. CSP is a process algebra that allows to model the interactions among communicating processes.
Evolution of the Internet architecture : OpenLISP and shim6 host-based IPv6 multihoming implementations
Wed, 07/16/2008 - 00:57 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:
The IP Networking Lab actively contributes to the experimental evaluation of mechanisms and protocols for the future Internet architecture by releasing the first publicly available implementations of the Locator Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP) and the shim6 host-based IPv6 multihoming.
Reduce IP Address Fragmentation through Allocation
Tue, 07/15/2008 - 19:21 by Damien Leroy • Categories:
Mei Wang Dunn, L. (Cisco Syst.) Wei Mao Tao Chen (China Internet Network Information Center)
Appears in: Computer Communications and Networks, 2007. ICCCN 2007.
Publication Date: 13-16 Aug. 2007
On page(s): 371-376
This paper introduce a "new" allocation scheme for address block that is growth-based. It uses growth rate information of customers for optimizing the allocation. An evaluation is made on historical date from APNIC and China.
LinShim6 0.8 released
Tue, 07/15/2008 - 15:43 by Sébastien Barré • Categories:
LinShim6 0.8 has been released.
LinShim6 is an implementation of the Shim6 protocol, that provides host-centric multihoming capabilities to IPv6.
The major new feature present in version 0.8 is the support for locator updates, that is, the peer is now informed when new locators become locally available.
More information here :
COST Action IC0703 : Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA)
Mon, 07/14/2008 - 13:47 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:
Modern packet networks are highly complex and ever-evolving objects. Understanding, developing and managing such environment is difficult and expensive in practice. Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) has always been seen as a key methodology to understand telecommunication technology and operation, and the complexity of the Internet has attracted many researchers to face traffic measurements since the pioneering times. The recent advances in the field of TMA suggest that evolved TMA-based techniques can play a key role in the operation of real networks.
ECODE (Experimental COgnitive Distributed Engine)
Mon, 07/14/2008 - 13:44 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:
The goal of theECODE (Experimental COgnitive Distributed Engine) project is to develop, validate, and implement a cognitive routing system, which uses machine learning techniques, that can meet the future Internet challenges, in terms of manageability, security, availability, and accountability. The project combines networking with machine learning expertise, in order to address these challenges in the most efficient way.