Dr. Gregory Detal

Gregory Detal's picture

I received my M.S. degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium, in 2009. I am currently a Ph.D candidate in the IP Networking Lab at the Universite catholique de Louvain.
In October 2009, I was awarded the Alcatel-Lucent Belgium MSc Thesis Award for my work, "On monitoring large-scale Wireless Mesh Networks". My current research interests are in the areas of Multipath TCP, Wi-Fi and data center networking.

gregory.detal (at) uclouvain.be
Former member
Current affiliation




Damien Leroy, Gregory Detal, Julien Cathalo, Mark Manulis, François Koeune and Olivier Bonaventure. SWISH: Secure WiFi Sharing. Computer Networks, Special Issue on “Network Convergence”, 55(7):1614-1630, May 2011. See http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2011.01.012. bibTeX 


Gregory Detal, Damien Leroy and Olivier Bonaventure. An Adaptive Three-Party Accounting Protocol. CoNEXT Student Workshop '09, pages 3-4, December 2009. Rome, Italy. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Gregory Detal. On monitoring large-scale Wireless Mesh Networks. Master's thesis. Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, June 2009. bibTeX  pdf