Dr. Luigi Iannone
- luigi.iannone (at) uclouvain.be
- Position
- Former member
- Current affiliation
Telecom Paris
- Website
- Personal website
OpenLISP: An Open Source Implementation of the Locator/ID Separation Protocol.
Enhanced Mobility Management in Wireless Mesh Networks. January 2008. 9èmes Journées Doctorales en Informatique et Réseaux.
Gestion avancée de la mobilité dans les réseaux maillés sans fil. March 2008. Colloque francophone sur l’ingénierie des protocoles. French written paper.
Interdomain Traffic Engineering in a Locator/Identifier Separation Context.
LISP-DHT: Towards a DHT to map identifiers onto locators. Februrary 2008.
Locator ID proposal evaluation. IETF-Draft: draft-burness-locid-evaluate-01.txt, July 2008.
LISP-DHT: Towards a DHT to map identifiers onto locators.
OpenLISP implementation report. Internet draft, draft-iannone-openlisp-implementation-00.txt, February 2008. (Now Obsolete).
OpenLISP Implementation Report. Internet draft, draft-iannone-openlisp-implementation-01.txt, July 2008. Work in Progess.
A Prototyping Environment for Wireless Multihop Networks. November 2007. The Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC).