The IP Networking Lab (INL) of the Departement of Computing Science and Engineering at Université catholique de Louvain(UCL) in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium gathers about ten researchers, both PhD students and postdocs.
Today, IP networks are mainly used for data communications and Internet access. Within the next five years, it can be expected that IP networks will also be used to carry other more stringent applications such as telephony, IP TV, ... The INL is actively working on scalable tools, techniques and protocols to allow IP network operators to better support such demanding applications in an Internet that will grow by several orders of magnitude.
The INL has strong commitment to both applied and academic research. We collaborate with other research groups in Belgium and abroad, network manufacturers and network operators. We also contribute to standards within the IETF and IRTF.
Cisco Systems' successful collaboration with INL
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 01:21 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:
Cisco Research lists on its new website the research collaboration between UCL and Cisco on improving the convergence of routing protocols as one example of successful collaborations
Best paper award at RiNG workshop
Mon, 12/17/2007 - 13:57 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:
Sébastien Barré received the best paper award at the Routing in Next Generation workshop for his paper entitled Implementing SHIM6 using the Linux XFRM framework that describes the current state of his shim6 implementation in the Linux kernel.
Ph.D. thesis : Improving the convergence of IP routing protocols
Fri, 10/12/2007 - 22:45 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:
Pierre Francois will present his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Improving the convergence of IP routing protocols" on Tuesday Oct. 30th at 10h30 in Louvain-la-neuve.
EUNICE Workshop 2007 Best Paper Award
Fri, 07/20/2007 - 22:31 by Benoit Donnet • Categories:
Damien Saucez, Benoit Donnet and Olivier Bonaventure received the best paper award at the EUNICE Workshop for their paper entitled A Reputation-Based Approach for Securing Vivaldi Embedding System
IEEE INFOCOM Best paper award
Wed, 05/09/2007 - 17:32 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:
Pierre François, Mike Shand and Olivier Bonaventure received the best paper award at IEEE INFOCOM 2007 for their paper entitled Disruption-free topology reconfiguration in OSPF networks.