Modeling the Routing of an Autonomous System with C-BGP

Wed, 04/04/2007 - 23:29 by Damien Leroy • Categories:


Today, the complexity of ISPs’ networks make it difficult to investigate the implications
of internal or external changes on the distribution of traffic across their network.
In this article we explain the complexity of building models of large ISPs’
networks. We describe the various aspects important to understanding the routing
inside an AS. We present an open source routing solver, C-BGP, that eases the
investigation of changes in the routing or topology of large networks. We illustrate
how to build a model of an ISP on a real transit network and apply the model on
two “what-if” scenarios. The first scenario studies the impact of changes in the
Internet connectivity of a transit network. The second investigates the impact of failures
in its internal topology.

B. Quoitin and S. Uhlig
IEEE Network, 19(6), November 2005.
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