A Probabilistic Study of the Delay caused by Jittering in Wireless Flooding

Tue, 04/23/2013 - 15:54 by Juan Antonio Cordero


Systematic packet collisions constitute a major problem in wireless flooding, which is a key mechanism for information dissemination in wireless mesh and multi-hop ad hoc networks. Since this cannot be solved only through classic MAC collision avoidance mechanisms, the IETF has proposed and standardized in RFC 5148 jittering techniques to handle it. These techniques are widely used in protocols for wireless communication such as OLSR, AODV or LOAD, and have proven useful for reducing collisions. They lead however some undesirableside effects that may harm substantially the flooding performance. To the best of our knowledge, no research effort has been deployed to understand and analyze these effects. This paper addresses this issue. It motivates and introduces a theoretical model of flooding with jitter in a wireless interface, as specified in RFC 5148, and explores the probabilistic characterization of additional flooding delay caused by jitter. It mostly provides two analytical bounds for the per-interface additional jitter delay. Presented results, which are validated by way of a discrete-event simulation, enable a better understanding of the performance trade-offs (between packet collisions and additional delay, in particular) underlying the use of jitter in wireless flooding.

Juan Antonio Cordero
Wireless Personal Communications, 73(3):415-439, December 2013.
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