ipv6 transition
Google IPv6 Conference - Summaries and comments
Wed, 06/18/2008 - 15:00 by Damien Leroy • Categories:
to be continued
IPv6 and DNS
By ISC. (authors of BIND)
Nothing really interesting for us.
Available at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7378520217361044033&q=ipv6+%22Google+Tech+Talks%22+duration%3Along+(site%3Avideo.google.com+OR+site%3Ayoutube.com)&hl=en-GB
- It seems that Apple airport Gateway implements full IPv6 (by tunnel?)
- NAT v4->v6->v4 an issue ? It is temporary and an incentive for full IPv6... and it's not worth than v4->v4->v4