Turbo King: Framework for Large-Scale Internet Delay Measurements
Wed, 04/23/2008 - 12:37 by Damien Saucez • Categories:
The paper "Turbo King: Framework for Large-Scale Internet Delay Measurements" published by Leonard and Loguinov at INFOCOM'08 shows the inaccuracies of the King delay estimation framework and propose Turbo King to tackle the problem.
The idea of King is to estimate distance between any to nodes by measuring the time required to resolve a DNS query from a DNS server near the source and a DNS server near the destination.
Practical large-scale latency estimation
Sun, 03/23/2008 - 13:05 by Damien Saucez • Categories:
The paper "Practical large-scale latency estimation" written by Szymaniak et al., presents an architecture able the estimate latency of millions of nodes in an efficient manner.
The idea of the paper is to propose CDNs like Google to determine the best server for any client.
To do so, the authors uses GNP, a landmarks-based network coordinate system. First, they establish a base of 7 redundant landmarks which computes their coordinates based on active probing.