Traffic Engineering

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MPLS autobandwidth

Mon, 03/07/2011 - 15:27 by Olivier Bonaventure • Categories:

Since several years, Cisco routers have included a feature called mpls autobandwidth that allows the router to compute automatically the bandwidth required for an LSP and adjust the reserved bandwidth. This feature seems interesting, but personally I have always feared that it could cause oscillations in a network if the change in reserved bandwidth leads to a change in paths for the concerned LSPs.

DeSiNe: a flow-level QoS Simulator of Networks

Thu, 12/11/2008 - 13:16 by Bruno Quoitin • Categories:
T. Kleiberg, B. Fu, F. A. Kuipers, P. Van Mieghem, S. Avallone and B. Quoitin. DeSiNe: a flow-level QoS Simulator of Networks. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on the Evaluation of Quality of Service through Simulation (QoSim'08), 2008. bibTeX 

On BGP Communities

Thu, 03/06/2008 - 16:31 by Benoit Donnet • Categories:
Benoit Donnet and Olivier Bonaventure. On BGP Communities. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 38(2):55-59, April 2008. bibTeX  pdf 

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