Pr. Olivier Bonaventure

Olivier Bonaventure's picture
Department of Computing Science and Engineering
Place Sainte Barbe, 2
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
+32 (0)10 479012
Olivier.Bonaventure (at)
Head of the group
Personal website



Olivier Bonaventure, Augustin Chaintreau, Laurent Mathy and Philippe Owezarski. The CoNEXT shadow TPC. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 38(2):85-86, April 2008. bibTeX  pdf 

Laurent Vanbever, Grégory Pardoen and Olivier Bonaventure. Towards validated network configurations with NCGuard. Proc. of Internet Network Management Workshop 2008, pages 1-6, Orlando, USA, October 2008. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Romain Robert, Mark Manulis, Florence De Villenfagne, Damien Leroy, Julien Jost, Francois Koeune, Caroline Ker, Jean-Marc Dinant, Yves Poullet, Olivier Bonaventure and Jean-Jacques Quisquater. WiFi Roaming: Legal Implications and Security Constraints. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 16(3):205-241, Autumn 2008. Oxford University Press. bibTeX  pdf 


D. Saucez, B. Donnet and O. Bonaventure. A Reputation-Based Approach for Securing Vivaldi Embedding System. Proc. 13th EUNICE Open European Summer School and IFIP TC6.6 Workshop on Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Service, Twente, The Netherlands, Jul. 2007. Simulator and King dataset: Best paper award. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure. Avoiding transient loops during the convergence of link-state routing protocols. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(6):1280-1932, December 2007. bibTeX  pdf 

Olivier Bonaventure, Clarence Filsfils and Pierre Francois. Achieving Sub-50 Milliseconds Recovery Upon BGP Peering Link Failures. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(5):1123 - 1135, October 2007. bibTeX  pdf 

Damien Leroy and Olivier Bonaventure. A secure role-based address allocation and distribution mechanism. Proc. ACM CoNEXT Student workshop, New York, USA, dec 2007. bibTeX  pdf 

Pierre Francois, Pierre-Alain Coste, Bruno Decraene and Olivier Bonaventure. Avoiding disruptions during maintenance operations on BGP sessions. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 4(3):1-11, 2007. bibTeX  pdf 

Pierre François, Mike Shand and Olivier Bonaventure. Disruption-free topology reconfiguration in OSPF Networks. IEEE INFOCOM, Anchorage, USA, May 2007. INFOCOM 2007 Best Paper Award. bibTeX  pdf 

B. Quoitin, L. Iannone, C. de Launois and O. Bonaventure. Evaluating the Benefits of the Locator/Identifier Separation. Proceedings of MobiArch (ACM SIGCOMM Workshop), Kyoto, Japan, August 2007. bibTeX  pdf pdf