Dr. Laurent Vanbever

Laurent Vanbever's picture

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laurent.vanbever (at) gmail.com
Former member
Current affiliation

Assistant Professor @ETH Zürich

Personal website



Thomas Wirtgen, Quentin De Coninck, Laurent Vanbever, Randy Bush and Olivier Bonaventure. xBGP: When You Can't Wait for the IETF and Vendors. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets '20), pages 1-7, Virtual Event, USA, November 2020. Association for Computing Machinery. bibTeX  pdf pdf 


Olivier Tilmans, Tobias Bühler, Ingmar Poese, Stefano Vissicchio and Laurent Vanbever. Stroboscope: Declarative Network Monitoring on a Budget. proceedings of NSDI'18, April 2018. bibTeX  pdf pdf 


Olivier Tilmans, Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever and Jennifer Rexford. Fibbing in action: On-demand load-balancing for better video delivery. Demo at SIGCOMM '16, 2016. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Olivier Tilmans, Tobias Bühler, Stefano Vissicchio and Laurent Vanbever. Mille-Feuille: Putting ISP traffic under the scalpel. proceedings of HotNets-XV, 2016. bibTeX  pdf pdf 


Stefano Vissicchio, Olivier Tilmans, Laurent Vanbever and Jennifer Rexford. Central Control Over Distributed Routing. SIGCOMM, 2015. Selected as best paper. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Stefano Vissicchio, Olivier Tilmans, Laurent Vanbever and Jennifer Rexford. Central Control Over Distributed Routing (Extended Version). Tech. Rep. 2015. bibTeX  pdf 

Stefano Vissicchio, Luca Cittadini, Olivier Bonaventure, Geoffrey G. Xie and Laurent Vanbever. On the Co-Existence of Distributed and Centralized Routing Control-Planes. INFOCOM, 2015. bibTeX  pdf pdf 


Laurent Vanbever and Stefano Vissicchio. Enabling SDN in old school networks with Software-Controlled Routing Protocols. Open Networking Summit (ONS) research track, March 2014. bibTeX  pdf 

Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever and Olivier Bonaventure. Opportunities and Research Challenges of Hybrid Software Defined Networks. ACM Computer Communication Review (Editorial Zone), 44(2), April 2014. bibTeX  pdf 

Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever, Luca Cittadini, Geoffrey Xie and Olivier Bonaventure. Safe Routing Reconfigurations with Route Redistribution. INFOCOM, April 2014. bibTeX  pdf pdf