Mille-Feuille: Putting ISP traffic under the scalpel
Wed, 10/12/2016 - 16:25 by Olivier Tilmans
For Internet Service Provider (ISP) operators, getting an accurate picture of how their network behaves is challenging. Given the traffic volumes that their networks carry and the impossibility to control end-hosts, ISP operators are typically forced to randomly sample traffic, and rely on aggregated statistics. This provides coarse-grained visibility, at a time resolution that is far from ideal (seconds or minutes).
In this paper, we present Mille-Feuille, a novel monitoring architecture that provides fine-grained visibility over ISP traffic. Mille-Feuille schedules activation and deactivation of traffic-mirroring rules, that are then provisioned network-wide from a central location, within milliseconds. By doing so, Mille-Feuille combines the scalability of sampling with the visibility and controllability of traffic mirroring. As a result, it supports a set of monitoring primitives, ranging from checking key performance indicators (e.g., one-way delay) for single destinations to estimating traffic matrices in sub-seconds. Our preliminary measurements on existing routers confirm that Mille-Feuille is viable in practice.
- Authors
- Olivier Tilmans, Tobias Bühler, Stefano Vissicchio and Laurent Vanbever
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proceedings of HotNets-XV , 2016.
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