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Olivier Bonaventure, Pierre Francois and Damien Saucez. Preserving the reachability of LISP ETRs in case of failures. Internet-Draft, July 2009. bibTeX 

Pierre Francois, Bruno Decraene, Cristel Pelsser and Clarence Filsfils. Graceful BGP session shutdown. GROW Working Group Document, draft-ietf-grow-bgp-gshut-01, June 2009. bibTeX 

Pierre Francois, Bruno Decraene, Cristel Pelsser and Clarence Filsfils. Graceful BGP session shutdown. Internet-Draft, March 2009. bibTeX 

Bruno Decraene, Pierre Francois, Cristel Pelsser, Zubair Ahmad and Antonio Jose Elizondo Armengol. Requirements for the graceful shutdown of BGP sessions. Internet Draft, March 2009. bibTeX 

O. Akonjang, A. Feldmann, S. Previdi, B. Davie and D. Saucez. The PROXIDOR Service. Internet draft, work in progress, March 2009. bibTeX  pdf 

Louise Burness, Philip Eardley and Luigi Iannone. Locator ID proposal evaluation. IETF-Draft: draft-burness-locid-evaluate-01.txt, July 2008. bibTeX  pdf 

Luigi Iannone, Damien Saucez and Olivier Bonaventure. OpenLISP Implementation Report. Internet draft, draft-iannone-openlisp-implementation-01.txt, July 2008. Work in Progess. bibTeX  pdf 

Damien Saucez and Dimitri Papadimitriou. Why should the Traffic Optimization not be restricted to the Application-Layer?. IETF Draft, July 2008. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Pierre Francois, Bruno Decraene and Cristel Pelsser. Graceful BGP session shutdown. Internet Draft, March 2008. draft-francois-bgp-gshut-00. bibTeX  pdf 

Pierre Francois, Olivier Bonaventure, Mike Shand, Stewart Bryant and Stefano Previdi. Loop-free convergence using oFIB. Internet Draft, February 2008. draft-ietf-rtgwg-ordered-fib-02. bibTeX  pdf 

Damien Saucez, Benoit Donnet and Olivier Bonaventure. IDIPS : ISP-Driven Informed Path Selection. IETF Draft, February 2008. bibTeX  pdf 

Dimitri Papadimitriou and Pierre Francois. IP Multicast Fast Reroute Framework. February 2008. draft-dimitri-rtgwg-mfrr-framework-00.txt. bibTeX  pdf 

Luigi Iannone and Olivier Bonaventure. OpenLISP implementation report. Internet draft, draft-iannone-openlisp-implementation-00.txt, February 2008. (Now Obsolete). bibTeX  pdf 

Olivier Bonaventure, Damien Saucez and Benoit Donnet. The case for an informed path selection service. IETF Draft, February 2008. bibTeX  pdf 

Pierre Francois, Olivier Bonaventure, Mike Shand, Stewart Bryant and Stefano Previdi. Loop-free convergence using oFIB. Internet Draft, July 2007. draft-ietf-rtgwg-ordered-fib-01.txt. bibTeX  pdf 

Virginie Van den Schrieck and Olivier Bonaventure. Routing oscillations using BGP multiple paths advertisement. Internet draft, June 2007. draft-vandenschrieck-bgp-add-paths-oscillations-00.txt. bibTeX  pdf 

Olivier Bonaventure. Reconsidering the Internet Routing Architecture. Internet draft, draft-bonaventure-irtf-rira-00.txt, March 2007. bibTeX  pdf 

C. Pelsser, S. Uhlig and O. Bonaventure. Limitations induced by BGP on the computation of interdomain LSPs. October 2004. Work in progress, draft-pelsser-bgp-pce-00.txt. bibTeX 

S. De~Cnodder and C. Pelsser. Protection for inter-AS MPLS tunnels. July 2004. Work in progress, draft-decnodder-ccamp-interas-protection-00.txt. bibTeX 

O. Bonaventure, S. Uhlig and B. Quoitin. The case for more versatile BGP Route Reflectors. July 2004. Work in progress, draft-bonaventure-bgp-route-reflectors-00.txt. bibTeX  pdf 

S. De~Cnodder and C. Pelsser. Protection for inter-AS MPLS tunnels. September 2003. Work in progress, draft-decnodder-mpls-interas-protection-01.txt. bibTeX 

O. Bonaventure and B. Quoitin. Common utilizations of the BGP community attribute. June 2003. Work in progress, draft-bq-bgp-communities-00.txt. bibTeX  pdf 

O. Bonaventure, S. De~Cnodder, J. Haas, B. Quoitin and R. White. Controlling the redistribution of BGP routes. April 2003. Work in progress, draft-ietf-grow-bgp-redistribution-00.txt. bibTeX  pdf 

C. Pelsser and O. Bonaventure. RSVP-TE extensions for interdomain LSPs. October 2002. Work in progress, draft-pelsser-rsvp-te-interdomain-lsp-00.txt. bibTeX 

B. Quoitin and O. Bonaventure. A survey of the utilization of the BGP community attribute. February 2002. Work in progress, draft-quoitin-bgp-comm-survey-00.txt. bibTeX 

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