A Rate Adaptive Shaper for Differentiated Services.
On the cost of using MPLS for interdomain traffic.
Implications of interdomain traffic characteristics on traffic engineering.
A survey of the utilization of the BGP community attribute. February 2002. Work in progress, draft-quoitin-bgp-comm-survey-00.txt.
RSVP-TE extensions for interdomain LSPs. October 2002. Work in progress, draft-pelsser-rsvp-te-interdomain-lsp-00.txt.
Using redistribution communities for interdomain traffic engineering.
Controlling the redistribution of BGP routes. April 2003. Work in progress, draft-ietf-grow-bgp-redistribution-00.txt.
Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP.
NAROS : Host-Centric IPv6 Multihoming with Traffic. May 2003. Work in progress, draft-de-launois-multi6-naros-00.txt.
Common utilizations of the BGP community attribute. June 2003. Work in progress, draft-bq-bgp-communities-00.txt.
Extending RSVP-TE to support inter-AS LSPs.
IP Micro mobility protocols.
Interdomain traffic engineering with minimal BGP configurations.
Protection for inter-AS MPLS tunnels. September 2003. Work in progress, draft-decnodder-mpls-interas-protection-01.txt.
Quality of Future Internet Services, Cost263 final report. LNCS pages 118-179, Internet Traffic Engineering. Springer-Verlag, September 2003.
The NAROS Approach for IPv6 Multihoming with Traffic Engineering.
The NAROS Approach for IPv6 Multihoming with Traffic Engineering.
Interdomain traffic engineering with Redistribution Communities.
Implications of the topological properties of Internet traffic on traffic engineering.
On the Difficulty of Establishing Interdomain LSPs.
Implications of traffic characteristics on interdomain traffic engineering. PhD thesis. Université catholique de Louvain, March 2004.
Protection for inter-AS MPLS tunnels. July 2004. Work in progress, draft-decnodder-ccamp-interas-protection-00.txt.
The case for more versatile BGP Route Reflectors. July 2004. Work in progress, draft-bonaventure-bgp-route-reflectors-00.txt.
A multiple-objectives evolutionary perspective to interdomain traffic engineering in the Internet.
Designing BGP-based outbound traffic engineering techniques for stub ASes.
Limitations induced by BGP on the computation of interdomain LSPs. October 2004. Work in progress, draft-pelsser-bgp-pce-00.txt.
Leveraging Network Performances with IPv6 Multihoming and Multiple Provider-Dependent Aggregatable Prefixes.
A multiple-objectives evolutionary perspective to interdomain traffic engineering in the Internet.
A BGP Solver for Hot-Potato Routing Sensitivity Analysis.
On the sensitivity of transit ASes to internal failures.