Sébastien Tandel

standel (at) info.ucl.ac.be
Former member
Current affiliation

Hewlett Packard Labs, Brazil

Personal website



Virginie Van den Schrieck, Pierre Francois, Sebastien Tandel and Olivier Bonaventure. Let BGP speakers configure their iBGP sessions on their own. October 2006. Position Paper, Wired2006 Workshop, Atlanta. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

S. Uhlig and S. Tandel. Quantifying the BGP routes diversity inside a tier-1 network. Proceedings of Networking 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, May 15-19th 2006. bibTeX  pdf 


B. Quoitin and S. Tandel. A BGP Solver for Hot-Potato Routing Sensitivity Analysis. 11th Open European Summer School (EUNICE 2005), Madrid, Spain, March 6-8 2005. bibTeX 


B. Quoitin, S. Tandel, S. Uhlig and O Bonaventure. Interdomain traffic engineering with Redistribution Communities. Computer Communications Journal, 27(4):355-363, March 2004. bibTeX  pdf 


O. Bonaventure, P. Trimintzios, G. Pavlou, B. Quoitin, A. Azcorra, M. Bagnulo, P. Flegkas, A. Garcia-Martinez, P. Georgatsos, L. Georgiadis, C. Jacquenet, L. Swinnen and S. Tandel. Quality of Future Internet Services, Cost263 final report. LNCS pages 118-179, Internet Traffic Engineering. Springer-Verlag, September 2003. bibTeX