Let BGP speakers configure their iBGP sessions on their own
Thu, 05/10/2007 - 11:33 by Virginie Van den Schrieck • Categories:
ISPs face many problems with the current iBGP. First,
operating iBGP is costly as it requires human configuration
and supervision of all the iBGP sessions. This configuration
is error prone and hard to troubleshoot. Secondly, the intro-
duction of Route Reflectors, to solve scalibility issues, has led
to a reduced path diversity within the routers of the network.
It has been showned that Losses of Connectivity are often
caused by routing failures [1], and iBGP is often responsible
of these. This low performance system does not fit for the
current Service Level that is required by ISP customers. We
thus think that iBGP topologies should not be managed by
humans anymore, which would allow less misconfigurations
while allowing the fulfillment of other requirements that we
present in this paper.
- Authors
- Virginie Van den Schrieck, Pierre Francois, Sebastien Tandel and Olivier Bonaventure
- Source
- October 2006.
- Notes
- Position Paper, Wired2006 Workshop, Atlanta
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