A Survey on Network Coordinates Systems, Design, and Security
Tue, 06/02/2009 - 13:00 by Benoit Donnet • Categories:
During the last decade, a new class of large-scale globally-distributed network services and applications have emerged. Those systems are flexible in the sense that they can select their communication path among a set of available ones. However, ceaselessly gathering network information such as latency to select a path is infeasible due to the large amount of measurement traffic it would generate. To overcome this issue, Network Coordinates Systems (NCS) have been proposed. An NCS allows hosts to predict latencies without performing direct measurements and, consequently, reduce the network resources consumption. During these last years, NCS opened new research fields in which the networking community has produced an impressive amount of work. We believe it is now time to stop and take stock of what has been achieved so far. In this paper, we survey the various NCS proposed as well as their intrinsic limits. In particular, we focus on security issues and solutions proposed to fix them. We also discuss potential future NCS developments, in particular how to use NCS for predicting bandwidth.
- Authors
- Benoit Donnet, Bamba Gueye and Mohamed Ali Kaafar
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IEEE Communication Surveys & Tutorials , 12(4), October 2010.
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