Implementing Software Virtual Routers on Multi-core PCs using Click
Mon, 01/11/2010 - 17:14 by Dr. Mickaël Hoerdt • Categories:
Research topic related:
Evolution of the Internet architecturePresentation date:
November 24, 2009Place:
Ghent, BelgiumLanguage:
SyClick Symposium on Click Modular RouterMulti-core CPUs, along with recent advances in memory and buses,
render commodity hardware a strong candidate for software router
virtualization. We would like to share the experience of a 3-year
research project on the design and implementation of a platform
for high-performance and flexible virtual routers on multi-core
general purpose PCs.
The Click software suite is a core component of our platform and has
been extensively used to prototype the data plane of our virtual
router platform. In particular, we exploited Click to analyse the bottlenecks of our
Incentives for BGP Guided IP-Level Topology Discovery
Mon, 02/23/2009 - 12:59 by Benoit Donnet • Categories:
Incentives for BGP Guided IP-Level Topology Discovery. Proc. Traffic and Measurement Analysis Workshop (TMA) , May 2009.