MPTCP BW/Delay Benefit Measurements
Wed, 02/11/2015 - 17:22 by Juan Antonio Cordero • Categories:
Source code for probe and server for measuring MPTCP Delay and BW Aggregation Benefit
Research project related:
Measuring the InternetOur members:
Juan Antonio CorderoLicence:
GPLProgramming language:
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Operational, in development, bugs detected in certain configurationsControllable per-Flow Load Balancing
Wed, 01/05/2011 - 14:22 by Gregory Detal • Categories:
Classic load-balancing techniques revisited
Controlable per-Flow Load Balancing (CFLB) is an initiative to revisit current load-balancing techniques. These techniques suffer from the fact that they use hash-based functions to balance packet. This prevent hosts to control the path taken by their packets.
CFLB consists of an invertible mechanism that allows sources to easily steer packets over any load-balanced path. CFLB consists in multiple implementation parts:
* A Linux kernel implementation of the CFLB-router forwarding path.
Our members:
Gregory DetalOur members:
Christoph PaaschProgramming language:
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betaMultiPath TCP
Tue, 11/17/2009 - 18:29 by Sébastien Barré • Categories:
The Linux kernel MPTCP project
Visit our official MPTCP-website at
Research topic related:
TRILOGYResearch project related:
Evolution of the Internet architectureOur members:
Sébastien BarréOur members:
Olivier BonaventureOur members:
Gregory DetalOur members:
Fabien DuchêneOur members:
Christoph PaaschWebsite:
GPLProgramming language:
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