Dr. Virginie Van den Schrieck

Virginie Van den Schrieck's picture

I graduated from Université catholique de Louvain in June 2005, as a computer science engineer. During my studies, I spent 4 monts at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, as an exchange student.
I obtained my PhD from the Université catholique of Louvain in December 2010. My thesis is about modifying internal BGP to provide fast recovery in case of local failure.
I was a postdoc research assistant at the INL group, working on Routing Protocols.

virginie.vandenschrieck (at) uclouvain.be
Former member
Current affiliation

Professor at EPHEC - Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales and Visiting Lecturer - Université de Namur



Virginie Van den Schrieck, Pierre Francois, Sebastien Tandel and Olivier Bonaventure. Let BGP speakers configure their iBGP sessions on their own. October 2006. Position Paper, Wired2006 Workshop, Atlanta. bibTeX  pdf pdf 


Virginie Van den Schrieck. Comparison of iBGP topologies. CoNEXT 2005 Student Workshop, Toulouse, France, October 2005. bibTeX  pdf 

Virginie Van den Schrieck. Conception d'un langage flexible de définition de politiques de routage BGP. Master's thesis. Université Catholique de Louvain, June 2005. bibTeX  pdf