The PROXIDOR Service. Internet draft, work in progress, March 2009. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-akonjang-alto-proxidor-00.txt.
Requirements for the graceful shutdown of BGP sessions. Internet Draft, March 2009. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-decraene-bgp-graceful-shutdown-requirem....
Graceful BGP session shutdown. Internet-Draft, March 2009. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-bgp-gshut-01.txt.
How to mitigate the effect of scans on mapping systems. 2009.
DeSiNe: a flow-level QoS Simulator of Networks.
ReArch'08 - Re-Architecting the Internet. ACM, December 2008. See http://conferences.sigcomm.org/co-next/2008/rearch_technicalprogram.html.
WiFi Roaming: Legal Implications and Security Constraints.
LISP-DHT: Towards a DHT to map identifiers onto locators.
Towards validated network configurations with NCGuard.
Implementation and improvement of an algorithm used to avoid transient loops in OSPF routers. Master's thesis. IFI, 11 2008.
Interdomain Traffic Engineering in a Locator/Identifier Separation Context.
Why should the Traffic Optimization not be restricted to the Application-Layer?. IETF Draft, July 2008.
OpenLISP Implementation Report. Internet draft, draft-iannone-openlisp-implementation-01.txt, July 2008. Work in Progess.
Locator ID proposal evaluation. IETF-Draft: draft-burness-locid-evaluate-01.txt, July 2008.
A Secure Mechanism for Address Block Allocation and Distribution. In Amitabha Das, Francis Bu Sung Lee, Hung Keng Pung, and Lawrence Wai Choong Wong, editor,
The CoNEXT shadow TPC.
On BGP Communities.
Graceful BGP session shutdown. Internet Draft, March 2008. draft-francois-bgp-gshut-00.
Gestion avancée de la mobilité dans les réseaux maillés sans fil. March 2008. Colloque francophone sur l’ingénierie des protocoles. French written paper.
The case for an informed path selection service. IETF Draft, February 2008.
IDIPS : ISP-Driven Informed Path Selection. IETF Draft, February 2008.
OpenLISP implementation report. Internet draft, draft-iannone-openlisp-implementation-00.txt, February 2008. (Now Obsolete).
IP Multicast Fast Reroute Framework. February 2008. draft-dimitri-rtgwg-mfrr-framework-00.txt.
LinShim6 - Implementation of the Shim6 protocol. Tech. Rep. Feb 2008.
LISP-DHT: Towards a DHT to map identifiers onto locators. Februrary 2008.
Loop-free convergence using oFIB. Internet Draft, February 2008. draft-ietf-rtgwg-ordered-fib-02.
Enhanced Mobility Management in Wireless Mesh Networks. January 2008. 9èmes Journées Doctorales en Informatique et Réseaux.
Internet Topology Discovery: a Survey.
Avoiding transient loops during the convergence of link-state routing protocols.
On the Cost of Caching Locator/ID Mappings. December 2007. 3rd Annual CoNEXT Conference.