Dr. Stefano Vissicchio

I received the Master degree in computer science from the Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, in 2008, and the PhD degree from the same university in 2012. After a short period as research fellow at Consortium GARR, I have been a post-doc at the University of Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. I am now a postdoctoral researcher of the Belgian fund for scientific research (F.R.S.-FNRS), affiliated with UCL. My research interests span network management, routing, measurements and SDN.


Past milestones:

  • May 2015: INFOCOM 2016 TPC member
  • Apr. 2015: DEFO and Fibbing accepted at SIGCOMM 2015
  • Feb. 2014: ICNP 2014 TPC member
  • Oct. 2013: F.R.S.-FNRS 3-year grant
  • Apr. 2013: ICNP 2013 best paper award
  • Jan. 2013: IRTF ANRP award
  • Apr. 2012: PhD dissertation
stefano.vissicchio (at) uclouvain.be
Former member
Current affiliation

University College London



Nicolas Laurent, Stefano Vissicchio and Marco Canini. SDLoad: An Extensible Framework for SDN Workload Generation. Poster at HotSDN, 2014. bibTeX  pdf 

Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever and Jennifer Rexford. Sweet Little Lies: Fake Topologies for Flexible Routing. Hotnets, 2014. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

David Lebrun, Stefano Vissicchio and Olivier Bonaventure. Towards Test-Driven Software Defined Networking. NOMS, 2014. bibTeX  pdf 


Cristel Pelsser, Luca Cittadini, Stefano Vissicchio and Randy Bush. From Paris to Tokyo: On the Suitability of ping to Measure Latency. IMC, 2013. bibTeX  pdf 

Francois Clad, Pascal Mérindol, Stefano Vissicchio, Jean-Jacques Pansiot and Pierre Francois. Graceful Router Updates in Link-State Protocols. ICNP, 2013. bibTeX  pdf 

Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever, Cristel Pelsser, Luca Cittadini, Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure. Improving Network Agility with Seamless BGP Reconfigurations. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 21(3):990-1002, June 2013. IETF ANRP (Applied Networking Research Prize) 2013. bibTeX  pdf 

Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever, Luca Cittadini, Geoffrey Xie and Olivier Bonaventure. Safe Update of Hybrid SDN Networks. Tech. Rep. 2013. Also available at http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/134360. bibTeX  pdf 

Marco Chiesa, Luca Cittadini, Giuseppe Di Battista, Laurent Vanbever and Stefano Vissicchio. Using Routers to Build Logic Circuits: How Powerful is BGP?. ICNP, 2013. ICNP Best Paper Award. bibTeX  pdf 

Laurent Vanbever, Stefano Vissicchio, Luca Cittadini and Olivier Bonaventure. When the Cure is Worse than the Disease: the Impact of Graceful IGP Operations on BGP. In 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2013), April 2013. bibTeX  pdf 


Marco Chiesa, Luca Cittadini, Giuseppe Di Battista, Laurent Vanbever and Stefano Vissicchio. Computing with BGP: from Routing Configurations to Turing Machines. Tech. Rep. 2012. bibTeX  pdf