Dr. Sébastien Barré

Sébastien Barré's picture

I graduated from Université catholique de Louvain in june 2006, as an engineer in computer science, and specialised in computer networking. I then integrated the IP Networking Lab as a phD student, where I also authored two important implementations of new protocols for the Linux kernel: Shim6 and MPTCP.
I obtained my phD in November 2011. After two years in the industry, I joined INL again to start a new company, Tessares, with Gregory Detal, Olivier Bonaventure and Denis Périquet. Since Tessares incorporation in 2015, I have been acting as CTO, then COO of Tessares.

sebastien.barre (at) tessares.net
Former member
Current affiliation




Sébastien Barré, Amine Dhraief, Nicolas Montavont and Olivier Bonaventure. MipShim6: une approche combinée pour la mobilité et la multi-domiciliation. Actes du 14ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP 09), Strasbourg, pages 113-124, October 2009. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Sébastien Barré and Olivier Bonaventure. Shim6 Implementation Report : LinShim6. September 2009. Internet draft, draft-barre-shim6-impl-03.txt, expired. bibTeX  pdf 


Sébastien Barré. LinShim6 - Implementation of the Shim6 protocol. Tech. Rep. Feb 2008. bibTeX  pdf 


Sébastien Barré and Olivier Bonaventure. Improved Path Exploration in shim6-based Multihoming. SIGCOMM 2007 Workshop "IPv6 and the Future of the Internet", Kyoto, Japan, Aug 2007. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Sébastien Barré and Olivier Bonaventure. Implementing SHIM6 using the Linux XFRM framework. Routing In Next Generation workshop, Madrid, Spain, Dec 2007. bibTeX  pdf pdf 


Sébastien Barré. Développement d'extensions au Kernel Linux pour supporter le multihoming IPv6. Master's thesis. Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), June 2006. bibTeX  pdf