Viet-Hoang Tran and Olivier Bonaventure.
Beyond socket options: making the Linux TCP stack truly extensible. The IFIP Networking 2019 Conference, May 2019. IFIP, IFIP Digital Library.
Viet-Hoang Tran and Olivier Bonaventure.
Making the Linux TCP stack more extensible with eBPF. Netdev 0x13, 2019.
Viet-Hoang Tran.
Measuring and extending Multipath TCP. PhD thesis. UCLouvain, 2019.
Viet-Hoang Tran, Hajime Tazaki, Quentin De Coninck and Olivier Bonaventure.
Voice-Activated Applications and Multipath TCP: A Good Match?. 2018 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), pages 1-6, Vienna, Austria, 6 2018. IEEE, IEEE. 2nd Workshop on Mobile Network Measurement (MNM’18).
Viet-Hoang Tran, Quentin De Coninck, Benjamin Hesmans, Ramin Sadre and Olivier Bonaventure.
Observing real Multipath TCP traffic. Computer Communications, 2016. To appear doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2016.01.014.
Benjamin Hesmans, Viet-Hoang Tran, Ramin Sadre and Olivier Bonaventure.
A First Look at Real Multipath TCP Traffic. Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, 2015.
Viet-Hoang Tran, Ramin Sadre and Olivier Bonaventure.
Measuring and Modeling Multipath TCP. Intelligent Mechanisms for Network Configuration and Security, volume 9122 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 66-70, 2015. Springer International Publishing.