Pr. Olivier Bonaventure

Olivier Bonaventure's picture
Department of Computing Science and Engineering
Place Sainte Barbe, 2
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
+32 (0)10 479012
Olivier.Bonaventure (at)
Head of the group
Personal website



Benjamin Hesmans, Viet-Hoang Tran, Ramin Sadre and Olivier Bonaventure. A First Look at Real Multipath TCP Traffic. Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, 2015. bibTeX  pdf 

Renaud Hartert, Stefano Vissicchio, Pierre Schaus, Olivier Bonaventure, Clarence Filsfils, Thomas Telkamp and Pierre Francois. A Declarative and Expressive Approach to Control Forwarding Paths in Carrier-Grade Networks. SIGCOMM, 2015. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Viet-Hoang Tran, Ramin Sadre and Olivier Bonaventure. Measuring and Modeling Multipath TCP. Intelligent Mechanisms for Network Configuration and Security, volume 9122 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 66-70, 2015. Springer International Publishing. bibTeX 

Stefano Vissicchio, Luca Cittadini, Olivier Bonaventure, Geoffrey G. Xie and Laurent Vanbever. On the Co-Existence of Distributed and Centralized Routing Control-Planes. INFOCOM, 2015. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Quentin De Coninck, Matthieu Baerts, Benjamin Hesmans and Olivier Bonaventure. Poster: Evaluating Android Applications with Multipath TCP. Mobicom 2015 - p. 230-232 (ISBN : 978-1-4503-3619-2), September 2015. bibTeX  pdf 

Renaud Hartert, Pierre Schaus, Stefano Vissicchio and Olivier Bonaventure. Solving Segment Routing Problems with Hybrid Constraint Programming Techniques. International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), 2015. bibTeX  pdf 

Benjamin Hesmans, Gregory Detal, Sebastien Barre, Raphael Bauduin and Olivier Bonaventure. SMAPP : Towards Smart Multipath TCP-enabled APPlications. Proc. Conext 2015, Heidelberg, December 2015. bibTeX  pdf 

François Aubry, David Lebrun, Yves Deville and Olivier Bonaventure. Traffic duplication through segmentable disjoint paths. IFIP Networking 2015, Toulouse, May 2015. bibTeX  pdf 


Christoph Paasch, Simone Ferlin, Ozgu Alay and Olivier Bonaventure. Experimental Evaluation of Multipath TCP Schedulers. ACM SIGCOMM Capacity Sharing Workshop (CSWS), 2014. ACM. bibTeX  pdf 

Christoph Paasch and Olivier Bonaventure. Multipath TCP. Communications of the ACM, 57(4):51-57, April 2014. See bibTeX