Damien Leroy, Mark Manulis and Olivier Bonaventure.
Enhanced Wireless Roaming Security using Three-Party Authentication and Tunnels. Proceedings of U-NET'09, Rome, Italy, Dec 2009.
Mehdi Bezahaf, Luigi Iannone and Serge Fdida.
Enhanced Mobility Management in Wireless Mesh Networks. January 2008. 9èmes Journées Doctorales en Informatique et Réseaux.
B. Quoitin, L. Iannone, C. de Launois and O. Bonaventure.
Evaluating the Benefits of the Locator/Identifier Separation. Proceedings of MobiArch (ACM SIGCOMM Workshop), Kyoto, Japan, August 2007.
C. Pelsser and O. Bonaventure.
Extending RSVP-TE to support inter-AS LSPs. 2003 Workshop on High Performance Swithching and Routing (HPSR 2003), June 24-27th 2003.
Quentin De Coninck.
Flexible Multipath Transport Protocols. PhD thesis. UCLouvain, March 2020. Presentation available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2FWfT9b3Ws&feature=youtu.be&t=132.
Olivier Tilmans, Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever and Jennifer Rexford.
Fibbing in action: On-demand load-balancing for better video delivery. Demo at SIGCOMM '16, 2016.
Stefano Vissicchio and Luca Cittadini.
FLIP the (Flow) Table: Fast LIghtweight Policy-preserving SDN Updates. INFOCOM, 2016. Selected as the Best Paper Award Runner-up.
Abdul Kabbani, Balajee Vamanan, Jahangir Hasan and Fabien Duchene.
FlowBender: Flow-level Adaptive Routing for Improved Latency and Throughput in Datacenter Networks. Conext 2014, December 2014. See http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2674985.
Cristel Pelsser, Luca Cittadini, Stefano Vissicchio and Randy Bush.
From Paris to Tokyo: On the Suitability of ping to Measure Latency. IMC, 2013.
M. Shand, S. Bryant, S. Previdi, C. Filsfils, P. Francois and O. Bonaventure.
Framework for Loop-Free Convergence Using the Ordered Forwarding Information Base (oFIB) Approach. RFC,(6976), July 2013. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6976.
Francois Clad, Pascal Mérindol, Stefano Vissicchio, Jean-Jacques Pansiot and Pierre Francois.
Graceful Router Updates in Link-State Protocols. ICNP, 2013.
Francois Clad, Pascal Merindol, Jean-Jacques Pansiot, Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure.
Graceful Convergence in Link-State IP Networks: A Lightweight Algorithm Ensuring Minimal Operational Impact. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, to appear, 2013. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6512633 or contact Olivier Bonaventure for a preprint.
Pierre Francois, Bruno Decraene, Cristel Pelsser and Clarence Filsfils.
Graceful BGP session shutdown. GROW Working Group Document, draft-ietf-grow-bgp-gshut-01, June 2009. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-grow-bgp-gshut-01.txt.
Pierre Francois, Bruno Decraene, Cristel Pelsser and Clarence Filsfils.
Graceful BGP session shutdown. Internet-Draft, March 2009. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-bgp-gshut-01.txt.
Pierre Francois, Bruno Decraene and Cristel Pelsser.
Graceful BGP session shutdown. Internet Draft, March 2008. draft-francois-bgp-gshut-00.
Mehdi Bezahaf, Luigi Iannone and Serge Fdida.
Gestion avancée de la mobilité dans les réseaux maillés sans fil. March 2008. Colloque francophone sur l’ingénierie des protocoles. French written paper.
Fabien Duchene.
Helping the Internet scale by leveraging path diversity. PhD thesis. 2019.
Costin Raiciu, Christoph Paasch, Sébastien Barré, Alan Ford, Michio Honda, Fabien Duchene, Olivier Bonaventure and Mark Handley.
How Hard Can It Be? Designing and Implementing a Deployable Multipath TCP. USENIX Symposium of Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'12), San Jose (CA), 2012.
Damien Saucez and Luigi Iannone.
How to mitigate the effect of scans on mapping systems. 2009.
Nicolas Rybowski, Quentin De Coninck, Tom Rousseaux, Axel Legay and Olivier Bonaventure.
Implementing the Plugin Distribution System. Proceedings of the SIGCOMM'21 Poster and Demo Sessions, pages 39-41, Augustus 2021. Association for Computing Machinery (New York, NY, United States).
Nicolas Keukeleire, Benjamin Hesmans and Olivier Bonaventure.
Increasing Broadband Reach with Hybrid Access Networks. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, 4(1), March 2020. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9088330 and https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.04570.
Olivier Tilmans.
Improving network flexibility. PhD thesis. UCLouvain, January 2019.
David Lebrun and Olivier Bonaventure.
Implementing IPv6 Segment Routing in the Linux Kernel. Applied Networking Research Workshop 2017, July 2017. See https://irtf.org/anrw/2017/anrw17-final3.pdf.
David Lebrun.
IPv6 Segment Routing in the Linux kernel. Linux Weekly News (LWN), 2017, May 17 2017. See https://lwn.net/Articles/722804/.
Christoph Paasch.
Improving Multipath TCP. PhD thesis. UCLouvain / ICTEAM / EPL, November 2014.
Olivier Tilmans and Stefano Vissicchio.
IGP-as-a-Backup for Robust SDN Networks. CNSM, 2014.
Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever, Cristel Pelsser, Luca Cittadini, Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure.
Improving Network Agility with Seamless BGP Reconfigurations. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 21(3):990-1002, June 2013. IETF ANRP (Applied Networking Research Prize) 2013.
Stefano Vissicchio, Luca Cittadini, Laurent Vanbever and Olivier Bonaventure.
iBGP Deceptions: More Sessions, Fewer Routes. In 31th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012), 2012.
Florin Coras, Damien Saucez, Lorand Jakab, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio and Jordi Domingo-Pascual.
Implementing a BGP-Free ISP Core with LISP. Globecom 2012, 2012.
Xavier Misseri, Jean-Louis Rougier and Damien Saucez.
Internet routing diversity for stub networks with a Map-and-Encap scheme. IEEE ICC 2012, 2012.