Alan Ford, Costin Raiciu, Mark Handley and Olivier Bonaventure.
TCP Extensions for Multipath Operation with Multiple Addresses. January 2013. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc6824/.
Stefano Vissicchio, Luca Cittadini, Laurent Vanbever and Olivier Bonaventure.
iBGP Deceptions: More Sessions, Fewer Routes. In 31th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012), 2012.
Laurent Vanbever, Stefano Vissicchio, Cristel Pelsser, Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure.
Lossless Migrations of Link-State IGPs. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 20(6):1842-1855, December 2012.
Sébastien Dawans, Simon Duquennoy and Olivier Bonaventure.
On Link Estimation in Dense RPL Deployments. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (IEEE SenseApp 2012), Florida, USA, October 2012.
Debbie Perouli, Stefano Vissicchio, Alexander Gurney, Olaf Maennel, Timothy Griffin, Iain Phillips, Sonia Fahmy and Cristel Pelsser.
Reducing the Complexity of BGP Stability Analysis with Hybrid Combinatorial-Algebraic Models. The 2nd International Workshop on Rigorous Protocol Engineering (WRiPE), October 2012.
Marco Chiesa, Luca Cittadini, Giuseppe Di Battista, Laurent Vanbever and Stefano Vissicchio.
Computing with BGP: from Routing Configurations to Turing Machines. Tech. Rep. 2012.
Laurent Vanbever.
Methods and Techniques for Disruption-Free Network Reconfiguration. PhD thesis. Université catholique de Louvain, October 2012.
Olivier Bonaventure, Mark Handley and Costin Raiciu.
An overview of Multipath TCP. USENIX login;, October 2012.
Laurent Vanbever, Stefano Vissicchio, Luca Cittadini and Olivier Bonaventure.
When the Cure is Worse than the Disease: the Impact of Graceful IGP Operations on BGP. Tech. Rep. 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2078/116245.
Wassim Haddad, Damien Saucez and Joel Halpern.
Multihoming in Homenet. 2012. IETF draft, work in progress.
Damien Saucez, Luigi Iannone, Olivier Bonaventure and Dino Farinacci.
Designing a Deployable Future Internet: the Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP) case. IEEE Internet Computing, to appear 2012. http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/MIC.2012.98.
Damien Saucez, Oliver Bonaventure, Luigi Iannone and Clarence Filsfils.
LISP ITR Graceful Restart. 2012. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-saucez-lisp-itr-graceful-00.
Florin Coras, Damien Saucez, Lorand Jakab, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio and Jordi Domingo-Pascual.
Implementing a BGP-Free ISP Core with LISP. Globecom 2012, 2012.
Christoph Paasch, Gregory Detal, Fabien Duchene, Costin Raiciu and Olivier Bonaventure.
Exploring Mobile/WiFi Handover with Multipath TCP. ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Cellular Networks (Cellnet'12), 2012.
Damien Saucez, Juhoon Kim, Luigi Iannone, Olivier Bonaventure and Clarence Filsfils.
A Local Approach to Fast Failure Recovery of LISP Ingress Tunnel Routers. IFIP Networking 2012, 2012.
Costin Raiciu, Christoph Paasch, Sébastien Barré, Alan Ford, Michio Honda, Fabien Duchene, Olivier Bonaventure and Mark Handley.
How Hard Can It Be? Designing and Implementing a Deployable Multipath TCP. USENIX Symposium of Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'12), San Jose (CA), 2012.
Alan Ford, Costin Raiciu, Mark Handley and Olivier Bonaventure.
TCP Extensions for Multipath Operation with Multiple Addresses. Tech. Rep. March 2012. Internet draft, draft-ietf-mptcp-multiaddressed-07.
Xavier Misseri, Jean-Louis Rougier and Damien Saucez.
Internet routing diversity for stub networks with a Map-and-Encap scheme. IEEE ICC 2012, 2012.
Olivier Bonaventure.
Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice. 2011. See http://inl.info.ucl.ac.be/cnp3.
Damien Saucez.
Mechanisms for interdomain Traffic Engineering with LISP. PhD thesis. Université catholique de Louvain, 10 2011.
Sébastien Barré.
Implementation and assessment of Modern Host-based Multipath Solutions. PhD thesis. Université catholique de Louvain, 2011.
HO Trong Viet, Yves Deville, Olivier Bonaventure and Pierre Francois.
Traffic Engineering for Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol in Large Data Centers. ITC 2011 23rd International Teletraffic Congress, San Francisco, USA, September 2011.
Juan Antonio Cordero.
Link-State Routing Optimization for Compound Autonomous Systems in the Internet. PhD thesis. École Polytechnique (France), September 2011.
Juan Antonio Cordero, Thomas Clausen and Emmanuel Baccelli.
MPR+SP: Towards a Unified MPR-based MANET Extension for OSPF. In 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2011.
Laurent Vanbever, Stefano Vissicchio, Cristel Pelsser, Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure.
Seamless Network-Wide IGP Migrations. Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGCOMM Conference, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 2011. ACM.
C. Raiciu, S. Barré, C. Pluntke, A. Greenhalgh, D. Wischik and M. Handley.
Improving datacenter performance and robustness with multipath TCP. SIGCOMM 2011, Toronto, Canada, August 2011. See http://www.multipath-tcp.org for related work on MPTCP and the Linux kernel implementation used in this paper.
Simon van der Linden, Gregory Detal and Olivier Bonaventure.
Revisiting Next-hop Selection in Multipath Networks. Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM, 2011. poster.
Pascal Mérindol, Benoit Donnet, Jean-Jacques Pansiot, Matthew Luckie and Young Huyn.
MERLIN: MEasure the Router Level of the INternet. Proc. 7th Euro-nf Conference on Next Generation Internet (NGI), June 2011.
Laurent Vanbever, Stefano Vissicchio, Cristel Pelsser, Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure.
Seamless Network-Wide IGP Migrations. Tech. Rep. June 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/75312.
Pietro Marchetta, Pascal Mérindol, Benoit Donnet, Antonio Pescapé and Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
Topology Discovery at the Router Level: A New Hybrid Tool Targeting ISP Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, Special Issue on Measurement of Internet Topologies, 2011. to appear.