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Virginie Van den Schrieck, Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure. BGP Add-Paths : The Scaling/Performance Tradeoffs. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 28(8):1299 - 1307, October 2010. bibTeX  pdf 

James Uttaro, Virginie Van den Schrieck, Pierre Francois, Roberto Fragassi, Adam Simpson and Pradosh Mohapatra. Best Practices for Advertisement of Multiple Paths in BGP. Internet Draft, July 2010. draft-uttaro-idr-add-paths-guidelines-02. bibTeX 

W. Muhlbauer, A. Feldmann, O. Maennel, M. Roughan and S. Uhlig. Building an AS-topology model that captures route diversity. ACM SIGCOMM2006, Pisa, Italy, September 2006. bibTeX  pdf 

Bruno Quoitin. BGP-based interdomain traffic engineering. PhD thesis. Université catholique de Louvain, August 2006. bibTeX  pdf 


François Michel, Quentin De Coninck and Olivier Bonaventure. Adding Forward Erasure Correction to QUIC. Tech. Rep. 2018. bibTeX 

Benjamin Hesmans and Olivier Bonaventure. An enhanced socket API for Multipath TCP. Proceeding ANRW '16 Proceedings of the 2016 Applied Networking Research Workshop, 2016. bibTeX  pdf 

Renaud Hartert, Stefano Vissicchio, Pierre Schaus, Olivier Bonaventure, Clarence Filsfils, Thomas Telkamp and Pierre Francois. A Declarative and Expressive Approach to Control Forwarding Paths in Carrier-Grade Networks. SIGCOMM, 2015. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Benjamin Hesmans, Viet-Hoang Tran, Ramin Sadre and Olivier Bonaventure. A First Look at Real Multipath TCP Traffic. Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, 2015. bibTeX  pdf 

Juan Antonio Cordero, Jiazi Yi and Thomas Clausen. An Adaptive Jitter Mechanism for Reactive Route Discovery in Sensor Networks. Sensors, 14(8):14440-14471, August 2014. bibTeX 

Benjamin Hesmans, Fabien Duchene, Christoph Paasch, Gregory Detal and Olivier Bonaventure. Are TCP Extensions Middlebox-proof?. CoNEXT workshop HotMiddlebox, December 2013. ACM. bibTeX  pdf 

Olivier Bonaventure, Mark Handley and Costin Raiciu. An overview of Multipath TCP. USENIX login;, October 2012. bibTeX  pdf 

Damien Saucez, Juhoon Kim, Luigi Iannone, Olivier Bonaventure and Clarence Filsfils. A Local Approach to Fast Failure Recovery of LISP Ingress Tunnel Routers. IFIP Networking 2012, 2012. bibTeX  pdf 

Pascal Mérindol, Pierre Francois, Olivier Bonaventure, Stéphane Cateloin and Jean-Jacques Pansiot. An efficient algorithm to enable path diversity in link state routing networks. Computer Networks, 55(1):1132-1149, April 2011. See or technical report at bibTeX 

A. Ford, C. Raiciu, M. Handley, S. Barré and J.Iyengar. Architectural Guidelines for Multipath TCP Development. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) , Request for Comments,(6182):28, RFC 6182 (Informational), March 2011. bibTeX  pdf 

Damien Leroy. Allowing IP networks to be securely renumbered and shared. PhD thesis. Universite catholique de Louvain, Feb 2011. bibTeX  pdf 

Benoit Donnet, Bamba Gueye and Mohamed Ali Kaafar. A Survey on Network Coordinates Systems, Design, and Security. IEEE Communication Surveys & Tutorials, 12(4), October 2010. bibTeX  pdf 

Amogh Dhamdhere, Constantine Dovrolis and Pierre Francois. A Value-based Framework for Internet Peering Agreements. Proceedings of ITC-22, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2010. To Appear. bibTeX 

Juan Antonio Cordero. Adjacency Persistency in OSPF MANET. In 4th IET China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (CIICT), 2010. bibTeX 

Gregory Detal, Damien Leroy and Olivier Bonaventure. An Adaptive Three-Party Accounting Protocol. CoNEXT Student Workshop '09, pages 3-4, December 2009. Rome, Italy. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Laurent Vanbever, Bruno Quoitin and Olivier Bonaventure. A Hierarchical Model for BGP Routing Policies. Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Programmable Routers for Extensible Services of TOmorrow, pages 61-66, Barcelona, Spain, August 2009. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Virginie Van den Schrieck and Pierre Francois. Analysis of paths selection modes for Add-Paths. Internet draft draft-vvds-add-paths-analysis-00, July 2009. bibTeX  pdf 

Juan Pablo Narino Mendoza, Benoit Donnet and Pierre Dupont. A Comparative Study of Path Performance Metrics Predictors. Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS Advanced Learning for Networking Workshop, June 2009. bibTeX  pdf 

Mark Manulis, Damien Leroy, Francois Koeune, Olivier Bonaventure and Jean-Jacques Quisquater. Authenticated Wireless Roaming via Tunnels: Making Mobile Guests Feel at Home. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2009), pages 92-103, Sydney, Australia, March 2009. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Damien Leroy and Olivier Bonaventure. A Secure Mechanism for Address Block Allocation and Distribution. In Amitabha Das, Francis Bu Sung Lee, Hung Keng Pung, and Lawrence Wai Choong Wong, editor, Proc. IFIP Networking, pages 748-755, Singapore, May 2008. Springer Verlag. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure. Avoiding transient loops during the convergence of link-state routing protocols. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(6):1280-1932, December 2007. bibTeX  pdf 

Damien Leroy and Olivier Bonaventure. A secure role-based address allocation and distribution mechanism. Proc. ACM CoNEXT Student workshop, New York, USA, dec 2007. bibTeX  pdf 

Virginie Van den Schrieck. Automating iBGP organization in large IP networks. Proc. ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop, New York, USA, december 2007. bibTeX  pdf 

F. Ben Abdesslem, L. Iannone, M. Dias de Amorim, K. Obraczka, I. Solis and S. Fdida. A Prototyping Environment for Wireless Multihop Networks. November 2007. The Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC). bibTeX  pdf 

Olivier Bonaventure, Clarence Filsfils and Pierre Francois. Achieving Sub-50 Milliseconds Recovery Upon BGP Peering Link Failures. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(5):1123 - 1135, October 2007. bibTeX  pdf 

D. Saucez, B. Donnet and O. Bonaventure. A Reputation-Based Approach for Securing Vivaldi Embedding System. Proc. 13th EUNICE Open European Summer School and IFIP TC6.6 Workshop on Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Service, Twente, The Netherlands, Jul. 2007. Simulator and King dataset: Best paper award. bibTeX  pdf pdf 

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