Juan Pablo Narino Mendoza, Benoit Donnet and Pierre Dupont.
A Comparative Study of Path Performance Metrics Predictors. Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS Advanced Learning for Networking Workshop, June 2009.
Mark Manulis, Damien Leroy, Francois Koeune, Olivier Bonaventure and Jean-Jacques Quisquater.
Authenticated Wireless Roaming via Tunnels: Making Mobile Guests Feel at Home. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2009), pages 92-103, Sydney, Australia, March 2009.
Damien Leroy and Olivier Bonaventure.
A Secure Mechanism for Address Block Allocation and Distribution. In Amitabha Das, Francis Bu Sung Lee, Hung Keng Pung, and Lawrence Wai Choong Wong, editor, Proc. IFIP Networking, pages 748-755, Singapore, May 2008. Springer Verlag.
Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure.
Avoiding transient loops during the convergence of link-state routing protocols. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(6):1280-1932, December 2007.
Damien Leroy and Olivier Bonaventure.
A secure role-based address allocation and distribution mechanism. Proc. ACM CoNEXT Student workshop, New York, USA, dec 2007.
Virginie Van den Schrieck.
Automating iBGP organization in large IP networks. Proc. ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop, New York, USA, december 2007.
F. Ben Abdesslem, L. Iannone, M. Dias de Amorim, K. Obraczka, I. Solis and S. Fdida.
A Prototyping Environment for Wireless Multihop Networks. November 2007. The Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC).
Olivier Bonaventure, Clarence Filsfils and Pierre Francois.
Achieving Sub-50 Milliseconds Recovery Upon BGP Peering Link Failures. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(5):1123 - 1135, October 2007.
D. Saucez, B. Donnet and O. Bonaventure.
A Reputation-Based Approach for Securing Vivaldi Embedding System. Proc. 13th EUNICE Open European Summer School and IFIP TC6.6 Workshop on Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Service, Twente, The Netherlands, Jul. 2007. Simulator and King dataset: http://ece.fsa.ucl.ac.be/dsaucez/thesis/simulator/ Best paper award.
A. de la Oliva, B. Donnet, T. Parmentelat and I. Soto.
A Multihoming Architecture for OneLab. Proc. Real Overlays and Distributed Systems (ROADS) Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, Jul. 2007.
Pierre Francois, Pierre-Alain Coste, Bruno Decraene and Olivier Bonaventure.
Avoiding disruptions during maintenance operations on BGP sessions. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 4(3):1-11, 2007.
Damien Leroy.
Assessment software development for distributed firewalls. Master's thesis. Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium, jun 2006.
Pierre Francois, Clarence Filsfils, John Evans and Olivier Bonaventure.
Achieving sub-second IGP convergence in large IP networks. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 35(3):33-44, July 2005.
B. Quoitin, C. Pelsser, O. Bonaventure and S. Uhlig.
A performance evaluation of BGP-based traffic engineering. International Journal of Network Management (Wiley), 15(3), May-June 2005.
Olivier Bonaventure, Clarence Filsfils and Pierre Francois.
Achieving Sub-50 Milliseconds Recovery Upon BGP Peering Link Failures. Proceedings of the 2005 ACM CoNext, pages 31-42, 2005.
B.~Quoitin and O.~Bonaventure.
A Cooperative Approach to Interdomain Traffic Engineering. 1st Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks Traffic Engineering (NGI 2005), Rome, Italy, April 18-20th 2005.
A multiple-objectives evolutionary perspective to interdomain traffic engineering in the Internet. Accepted to the International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Special Issue on Nature-Inspired Approaches to Telecommunications, World Scientific Publisher, 2005.
B. Quoitin and S. Tandel.
A BGP Solver for Hot-Potato Routing Sensitivity Analysis. 11th Open European Summer School (EUNICE 2005), Madrid, Spain, March 6-8 2005.
A multiple-objectives evolutionary perspective to interdomain traffic engineering in the Internet. Workshop on Nature Inspired Approaches to Networks and Telecommunications (NIANT) in PPSN04, Birmingham, UK, September 2004.
B. Quoitin and O. Bonaventure.
A survey of the utilization of the BGP community attribute. February 2002. Work in progress, draft-quoitin-bgp-comm-survey-00.txt.
Olivier Bonaventure and Stefaan De Cnodder.
A Rate Adaptive Shaper for Differentiated Services. RFC2963, 2000. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc2963/.
Viet-Hoang Tran and Olivier Bonaventure.
Beyond socket options: making the Linux TCP stack truly extensible. The IFIP Networking 2019 Conference, May 2019. IFIP, IFIP Digital Library.
Clarence Filsfils, Pradosh Mohapatra, John Bettink, Pranav Dharwadkar, Peter De Vriendt, Yuri Tsier, Virginie Van Den Schrieck, Olivier Bonaventure and Pierre Francois.
BGP Prefix Independent Convergence (PIC) Technical Report. Tech. Rep. 2011. http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/routers/ps5763/bgp_pic_techni....
Virginie Van den Schrieck, Pierre Francois and Olivier Bonaventure.
BGP Add-Paths : The Scaling/Performance Tradeoffs. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 28(8):1299 - 1307, October 2010.
James Uttaro, Virginie Van den Schrieck, Pierre Francois, Roberto Fragassi, Adam Simpson and Pradosh Mohapatra.
Best Practices for Advertisement of Multiple Paths in BGP. Internet Draft, July 2010. draft-uttaro-idr-add-paths-guidelines-02.
W. Muhlbauer, A. Feldmann, O. Maennel, M. Roughan and S. Uhlig.
Building an AS-topology model that captures route diversity. ACM SIGCOMM2006, Pisa, Italy, September 2006.
Bruno Quoitin.
BGP-based interdomain traffic engineering. PhD thesis. Université catholique de Louvain, August 2006.
Ian Swett, Marie-Jose Montpetit, Vincent Roca and François Michel.
Coding for QUIC. March 2020. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-swett-nwcrg-coding-for-quic-04.
Nicolas Kuhn, Emmanuel Lochin, François Michel and Michael Welzl.
Coding and congestion control in transport. March 2020. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-nwcrg-coding-and-congestion-02.
Mathieu Jadin, François Aubry, Pierre Schaus and Olivier Bonaventure.
CG4SR: Near Optimal Traffic Engineering for Segment Routing with Column Generation. INFOCOM, 2019.